Worlesales Czcl A-200W-5 LED Nuna lokacin farin ciki Wutar Rage 5V RED 200W ya jagoranci Canjin Wutar Wuta
Bayanin samfurin
A-200W series products is a 200W fanless design LED display drive power supply, input voltage range: 176~264VAC, output voltage 2.8 V, 3.3V,3.8V,4V,4.5V, 5V, etc., can be applicable to LED display, LED indicator and other LED display fields, this series of products for high temperature resistance design, good heat dissipation, guarantee the series of products can belong-term stable work.
Kayan kwalliya

Sigogi na lantarki

Fitowar kaya da zazzabi

Hortic Horsion

Tsarin shigarwa

Hanyar shigar
Yi amfani da manyan sukurori M3 * 6 mm,
Dabci zurfi a cikin zurfin murfin harsashi, Max 3mm
Na duba hoto mai kyau don cikakkun bayanai